A Perfect Winter Getaway to Calistoga and 纳帕’s Up Valley

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  • on NOVEMBER 12, 2020
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A Perfect Winter Getaway to Calistoga and 纳帕’s Up Valley

By Hana-Lee Sedgwick November 12, 2020

虽然世界上其他地方的冬天可能有点,嗯,可怕的冬天 ag体育正规 is something special. The busy harvest season has calmed down, there are less crowds of people, 随着假期和新年的临近,每个人都感到更加放松和快乐. 所有这些原因,以及更多的原因,使冬季成为参观这座古色古香的小镇的最佳时间之一 Calistoga, 这是ag体育正规北部地区一个迷人的社区,以其令人放松的酒店和小旅馆而闻名, intimate restaurants, world-class wine, and therapeutic hot springs. Oh, 我们有没有提到它被北加州最美丽的风景所包围? Sounds dreamy, doesn’t it?

In case that’s not enough to convince you, if you visit between December 5, 2020 and February 7, 2021, you can take advantage of the Calistoga Winter in the 酒庄 Passport 并在卡利斯托加和周边地区的15家最好的酒庄免费品尝, like Lake County and St. 海伦娜, 加上免费的软木塞在参与餐厅和折扣在卡利斯托加住宿, 水疗, 和商店. 护照每人只需60美元,单是品酒就价值400多美元. What are you waiting for? 收拾好你的行李,和那些冬季忧郁说再见吧,因为在葡萄酒之乡的冬季周末正等着你呢.

Visit Calistoga
Photo Courtesy of Visit Calistoga



Welcome to ag体育正规’s “Up Valley”! Before you check in to your hotel in Calistoga, 计划冒险向北30英里,在莱克县品酒开始你的周末. This laid-back region, home to over 30 wineries, is certainly one of Northern California’s best kept secrets, and as a Passholder, 您将在三家顶级酿酒厂享受免费品尝. 停在 Six Sigma 酒ry 在占地4300英亩的农场里啜饮丹魄和赤霞珠. 除了酒, you can purchase ranch-raised meat, local cheeses, 还有饼干——所有这些都可以让你在野餐时享用美酒. 附近的, boutique Fults Family Vineyards 展示各种限量生产的红葡萄酒从他们的品酒室, which looks out over the 45-acre property. Savor your time in Lake County by also reserving a 品尝 at Boatique 酒ry, a beautiful estate vineyard and winery that features olive trees, picturesque grounds, and an antique wooden boat collection.

Boatique 酒ry
Photo Courtesy of Boatique 酒ry

Late 下午

现在,是时候开车返回卡利斯托加,为您的住宿登记了. 在卡利斯托加及其周边地区,有很多地方可以称之为家(护照持有人可以享受住宿和水疗折扣)。, so you really can’t go wrong. 计划 to stay at 柏格森的, a charming boutique hotel in the heart of Calistoga. 21间客房和套房均设有优雅的装饰和豪华的设施,旨在放松身心, 如 fireplaces, 水冲浴缸, 羽毛床, and plush bathrobes. 附近的, Calistoga Spa Hot Springs 在城里还有其他好的住宿选择吗?那里的现代风格的房间坐落在宁静的环境中. Book 水疗中心 treatment, like a mud bath or a massage, 然后在四个地热室外矿泉池中泡一泡.

Calistoga Spa Hot Springs
Photo Courtesy of Calistoga Spa Hot Springs

Also noteworthy: the playfully designed Calistoga Motor Lodge and Spa, 拥有复古风格的客房和套房(其中一些是宠物友好的), 水疗中心, a geothermal mineral pool, and a convivial vibe; the Aurora Park Cottages, where a stay in one of the private cottages includes complimentary breakfast and bike rentals; and the Bungalows at Calistoga这里有三间别致迷人的“葡萄酒之乡”平房,最多可容纳四人.


End your first day with dinner at 伊万杰琳这是卡利斯托加市中心一家颇受欢迎的法国小酒馆,“有着克里奥尔人的灵魂”. 有盖的花园露台是一个可爱的地方,品尝舒适的小酒馆经典,如牛排薯条, as well as creole-inspired dishes like gumbo and shrimp étouffée. Or, consider eating at Veraison,一个小酒馆和酒吧,提供季节性的菜单和来自世界各地的葡萄酒. As with all of the participating restaurants, 护照可以让你免费享用任何参与活动的酒庄的一瓶葡萄酒.



如果你住的酒店不提供免费早餐,一定要去看看 Cafe Sarafornia 这是一顿令人舒适和满意的晚餐,将为您安排一整天的葡萄酒品尝和探索.

Chateau Montelena
Photo Courtesy of Chateau Montelena

After breakfast, head to your 品尝 appointment at Chateau Montelena, located two miles from downtown. 这座历史悠久的庄园以建在山坡上的常春藤覆盖的石头城堡为特色, as well as a picturesque Chinese garden, complete with bridges, 一个湖, and even swans. Enjoy a complimentary 品尝 with your Passport, 然后,在冒险前往下一站之前,一定要留出时间来探索场地: 音色省长. This equestrian training facility and sanctuary, home to more than 20 horses, is also a working winery and 品尝 room, where you can sample single-vineyard, 一边品尝单品种葡萄酒和波尔多葡萄酒,一边欣赏马匹.

或者,如果你想离开卡利斯托加,向南八英里去参观 贝灵哲酒庄, located in St. 海伦娜. One of the most historic properties in ag体育正规, 贝灵杰以其在纳帕各地可持续种植的葡萄园酿造的赤霞珠而闻名. Afterwards, head over the hill to Pope Valley 酒ry 去旅游, 品尝, and Bocce ball at this historic, family-owned winery, 或者在回来的路上,在卡利斯托加及其周围的任何一家酿酒厂停下来, 如 秘密地Pegase, 吉拉尔, 汉斯Fahden, Madrigal Family 酒ry, and Von Strasser (all part of the Passport series).

Pope Valley 酒ry
Photo Courtesy of Pope Valley 酒ry


喝完酒,回到城里,吃个帕尼尼三明治或轻咬一口 Sam’s General Store, then venture out for an afternoon of shopping. 停止了 黑鸟 为家庭和桌面手工发现,以及儿童玩具和游戏. 如果你想要一份独特的手工礼物,你也可以提前打电话来参观 Calistoga Pottery, 在那里你可以找到杰夫和莎莉·曼弗雷迪制作的各种各样的陶器, who have been making pottery together for 40 years. 对于一个伟大的选择的男人和女人的服装,珠宝,鞋子,和家庭用品,检查 Sugardaddy’s Consignment, a popular local thrift store. 所有这些商店,以及更多的商店,都为持有护照的人提供正常价格商品的10%折扣.

Calistoga Chamber
Photo Courtesy of Calistoga Chamber

如果你想要更多的葡萄酒(嘿,毕竟这是葡萄酒之乡),那就去吧 Tank Garage 酒ry, 一座由20世纪30年代的加油站改建而成的酿酒厂和品酒室, welcoming vibe and a focus on small-lot, natural wines. You can also check out T-Vine 酒ry, 一个友好的品酒室,以一些仅存的老藤葡萄酒为特色, heritage vineyards in California.


For a casual dinner (and a break from the wine), stop into Lincoln Avenue 啤酒厂 for brews on tap, satisfying pub fare, and a lively atmosphere. There’s also the popular Calistoga Inn Restaurant & 啤酒厂, 在那里你会发现一个广阔的露台和多样化的菜单,包括从酒吧票价升高的一切, 如 garlic crusted calamari and prosciutto and fig pizza, 来的, seasonal mains, 包括木烤羊排和胡桃南瓜卷.

Calistoga Inn
Calistoga Inn, Restaurant and 啤酒厂, Photo Courtesy of Calistoga Inn



差不多是回家的时间了,但在你离开之前,从 Sam’s General Store then walk over to Picayune Cellars for one last wine 品尝 before hitting the road. Or, plan for a rejuvenating late morning spa treatment at Mount View Spa, MoonAcre水疗,或 Spa at Solage 当你准备告别卡利斯托加和美丽的ag体育正规时.

Calistoga Chamber
Photo Courtesy of Calistoga Chamber

第11届年度冬季酒庄通行证是与卡利斯托加商会合作举办的, Visit Calistoga, and the San Francisco Chronicle. Passports can be purchased 在线 and are valid from December 5, 2020 through February 7, 2021.