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  • on JUNE 26, 2023
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By Julia Chang June 26, 2023

葡萄酒并不是参观葡萄酒之乡时唯一值得品尝的美味、精心制作的饮料. A little known fact about Napa Valley and Sonoma County 有几家手工酿酒厂和小批量酿酒厂也可以供游客参观和品酒(有些酒厂还提供开胃酒)。. 如果你想在下次访问时从葡萄酒中获得一点休息, 这里有最好的本地啤酒和精酿烈酒,让你品尝一番.

Grape-Based Organic Vodka

Hanson Distillery | Nat and Cody Grantz
Photo Courtesy of Hanson Distillery | Nat and Cody Grantz

This family-owned craft distillery in Sonoma 专注于创造有机、葡萄、无麸质和非转基因伏特加. 今天的伏特加通常由高粱、玉米、大米、黑麦或小麦制成. Hanson Vodka is made from grapes, which means the distillery turns grapes into wine, 然后把葡萄酒变成伏特加(非常适合葡萄酒之乡酿造的伏特加). Their infused vodkas are flavored with real, organic ingredients, and feature flavors such as cucumber, ginger, mandarin, habañero, boysenberry, and espresso. Reserve a spot in a vodka tasting, cocktail tasting, martini and caviar pairing, 或者试试他们的调酒入门课程,搭配汉森手工鸡尾酒. Best of all, you get to enjoy it all in their beautiful, spacious tasting room, amid a library of color-coordinated vodka bottles.

加利福尼亚州索诺玛市本代尔路22985号,邮编95476,(707)343 -1805

A Bustling Brewery at Oxbow

Fieldwork Brewing
Photo Courtesy of Fieldwork Brewing

这家当地啤酒厂成立于加州伯克利,在熙熙攘攘的市中心有一个漂亮的酒吧间 Oxbow Public Market in downtown Napa. Fieldwork Brewing features a rotating tap list of fresh releases, which can be enjoyed by sampler flight, by the glass, or to-go in cans, growlers, and Crowlers. Order food to enjoy with your beer, or grab something from one of the top-notch vendors in the Oxbow Public Market; you’ll have plenty to choose from to pair with your drinks.

610 First Street, Napa, CA 94559, (707) 266-1582

Speakeasy Spirits

Napa Valley Distillery

Photo Courtesy of KQED

这是禁酒令结束后第一家在ag体育正规开业的酿酒厂, 这个家族拥有和经营的酿酒厂提供教育酿酒厂之旅, 然后是品尝他们获奖产品的航班. 有两个地点供您选择,您可以自定义您的工艺精神体验. 在大品酒沙龙品尝,将自己带回咆哮的二十年代, which is one part art deco speakeasy, one part tiki room, and all parts tasty spirits and education. 我们建议提前预订,所以一定要提前预订以保证有位置. 如果你已经前往牛头公共市场(那里的食物不缺选择), drink, and people watching), visit Napa Valley Distillery’s tasting bar, 充满红木的气息和丰富的白兰地. Taste through a flight, 别忘了去看看他们的苦味酒收藏——西海岸最大的收藏.


Oxbow公共市场的品尝吧:第一街601号,套房8,纳帕,CA 94559, (707)226-9269

Urban Winery Meets Vegan-Friendly Brews

This boutique urban winery, nano-brewery, 而烹饪花园就位于纳帕,距离主要枢纽只有几个街区. The brews are made on-site in small batches, featuring 14 different offerings of beer, with more developing all the time. The beers tend to be unfiltered and more malt-driven, 喜欢不那么苦或“跳跃”的食物搭配. And vegans, rejoice! 除了他们的蜂蜜小麦啤酒,所有其他酿造产品都是素食的. 对于那些准备将啤酒之爱提升到一个新高度的人来说, St. Clair Brown offers their own Beer Boot Camp, 你可以在一个专业的啤酒品尝会上学习口味和语义吗, enjoy a beer paired lunch, and brew beer with Brewmaster Elaine St. Clair herself.

816 Vallejo Street, Napa, CA 94559, (707) 225-5591

A Taste of Italy in a Bottle

Prohibition Spirits
Photo Courtesy of Facebook: Prohibition Spirits

For a truly unique tasting experience, head over to Prohibition Spirits 来索诺玛尝尝他们的意大利精酿烈酒. Located on the Sonoma Plaza, 禁酒令酒业以获奖的柠檬酒(一种意大利柠檬酒)而闻名。, 同时也提供其他特色烈酒的品尝, such as their gins, rums, and whiskeys. 成长的丈夫和妻子团队在探索索诺玛时坠入爱河, 然后他们决定把柠檬酒(他们亲切地称之为“瓶中的阳光”)带到葡萄酒之乡. So they moved from Boulder, 来到索诺玛县,开始生产加州第一款有机柠檬酒. 禁酒酒在他们的品酒室提供品尝和轻咬, 以及团体体验和私人活动的旅行鸡尾酒吧.

加利福尼亚州索诺玛阿诺德大道23592号,95476,(707)933 -7507

Unique Libations in Santa Rosa

Cooperage Brewing Company
Photo Courtesy of Cooperage Brewing Company

布鲁尔和创始人泰勒·史密斯喜欢在圣罗莎专注于多样化 Cooperage Brewing Company他尝试用不同的酵母、啤酒花、细菌和酒桶类型来开发独特的酒. Take your time sipping and tasting here; there are TVs showing sports games for your viewing pleasure, but if that’s not your speed, 这里还有很多棋盘游戏,可以和朋友一起喝几杯啤酒. 每周轮流安排的餐车让体验更加充实.

981 Airway Ct., Suite G, Santa Rosa, CA 95403, (707) 293-9787

Post Up With Your Pup

Lagunitas Brewing Company
Photo Courtesy of Lagunitas Brewing Company

A local favorite, this Petaluma 公司有一个巨大的,不断旋转的选择酸,苹果酒,麦芽酒和黑啤酒. 张贴在他们的酒吧里,或者在户外的野餐桌上找一张. It’s pet-friendly, 所以通常会有几只狗享受阳光,而它们的主人在啤酒花园里听现场音乐. And with a food menu of nachos, burgers, chicken wings, and other tasty pub fare, you could easily while away an afternoon here. In fact, we recommend it.


Northern California in a Bottle (and Can)

Fogbelt Brewing Company
Photo Courtesy of Fogbelt Brewing Company

这家精酿啤酒厂兼美食酒吧庆祝北海岸,甚至用一种只在“雾带”(北加州海岸通常被雾覆盖的地区)发现的著名的海岸红杉树来命名他们的每一种啤酒, which produces a unique ecosystem. At their original brewery and taproom in Santa Rosa, you’ll find stately brews available on tap, local and seasonal fare, and a rotating selection of events each month. Their second location in Healdsburg, known as Fogbelt Station, is a beer garden next to the historic train station, offering both brews and food. Too early for beer? 车站咖啡馆在早上开放,供应咖啡,浓缩咖啡和糕点.
