The Village at Vista Collina — 纳帕 Valley’s Newest Hotspot

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The Village at Vista Collina — 纳帕 Valley’s Newest Hotspot

By Julia Chang October 30, 2018

The first thing I think when I see The Village at Vista Collina is how beautiful it is. Located at Vista Collina Resort, the newest lifestyle resort in 纳帕 Valley (和 just across the way from acclaimed sister property The Meritage Resort), The Village is a palatial courtyard with a massive, manicured lawn, rows upon rows of giant shade umbrellas, 和 newly-built shops arrayed in an arc around it all. There’s a food 和 wine center, an upscale grocery, tasting rooms, 草坪上游戏, 和, weather permitting, evenings of live music.

Vista Collina Resort
Photo Courtesy of Vista Collina Resort

The thoughtful curation of The Village begins at Fivetown Grocery, the upscale market smack-dab in the center of activity. It sells house-made pasta 和 sauces, smoked barbecue, freshly baked bread, as well as locally-made craft brews 和 wine. Chef Vincent Lesage, who leads Vista Collina Resort’s culinary program, 创造美丽的野餐篮为食客享受在草坪上. 人们很容易把野餐的食物看成是冰冷的食物和不温不热的饮料, but this was the good stuff: charcuterie 和 cheese, s和wiches, fresh fruit, 鹰嘴豆泥, 橄榄, house-made focaccia, individual serving-sized bottles of bubbly, 和, 无可争议的明星——一大片辉煌, decadent carrot cake to top it all off.

Vista Collina Resort
Photo Courtesy of Vista Collina Resort

我提前打电话预订了座位,并要求草坪管家服务公司在阴凉处找一张低矮的野餐桌. 但如果你有一个自发的一天,发现自己在村庄没有预订, it’s not a problem. Fivetown Grocery可以在20-30分钟内为你准备好野餐篮. 或者只是从杂货店的购物卡上买一些零食,一边玩玉米洞游戏或扔梯子游戏, 就像许多团体一样,尤其是那些带着孩子或狗来的人, 和 those who prefer other social activities to drinking.

But if you’re in 纳帕, chances are drinking is exactly what you’re here for, 和 to that, The Village does not disappoint. 与 nine tasting rooms, expect to sample an impressive number of wines, 其中大多数来自较小的酿酒厂,因此不容易获得.

Vista Collina Resort
Photo Courtesy of Vista Collina Resort

At the newly-minted Jayson by Pahlmeyer tasting room, 首先迎接我的是一个真人大小的杰森·帕尔迈耶本人的纸板剪纸, 和 second by a loud, extroverted, sales associate in a Hawaiian shirt. His sleeves were rolled up, 和 he wasted no time with small-talk: his name was Skip, 和跳过, it soon transpired, was a treasure trove of wine knowledge, 在ag体育正规成为旅游目的地之前,他在那里工作了很长时间. I sipped my wines as he talked, 享受着霞多丽的深度和黑比诺的味道,我可以一桶一桶地喝.

手了, 在帕尔迈耶品酒最棒的部分是斯基普讲的关于葡萄酒的故事, the community, 和 the history of the craft. 就像围坐在餐桌旁听你的另类音乐, fun uncle talk about his life’s shenanigans. But instead of your uncle, swap in this rock-和-roll kind of guy dressed for vacation, 对黑皮诺葡萄酒和生物动力农业以及他与朱莉娅·查尔德一起斟酒和喝酒的时光娓娓道来.

Vista Collina Resort
Photo Courtesy of Vista Collina Resort

这种讲故事的感觉和社区遗产并没有在Jayson by Pahlmeyer结束. 在 Luna Vineyards伊达利亚(Idalia)是为三到四个不同的派对斟酒的葡萄酒助理. Ever the consummate hostess, she stopped by regularly to pour our wine 和 regale us with stories: how much she loved wine; how she began as a”crystal engineer” (her lighthearted euphemism for one who polishes wine glasses); how she took a break from wine so she could learn about coffee; how one year, 她试图在倾盆大雨中煎玉米粉蒸肉,结果造成了混乱. Yes, the wine was good, but the stories were better.

As someone who did not grow up in 纳帕 Valley, 在纳帕成为“目的地”之前,这就是我想象中的这个地方.” I’m likely romanticizing it, but at The Village, 纳帕社区的感觉并不像是来自过去的时代, 也不觉得这是有钱的酿酒师的专利. 而, it feels authentic 和 immediate, 如果你和某人坐下来,问他们酒杯里的葡萄酒以外的东西,你就能体验到这种感觉.

By all means, do 如果你来这里是为了酒,可以问问杯子里的年份. 但让葡萄酒口感更丰富的是一个地方的历史和工艺, so don’t forget to ask about that too.

Vista Collina Resort
Photo Courtesy of Vista Collina Resort

The Village at Vista Collina

850 Bordeaux Way, 纳帕, CA 94558

The Village Food & Wine Center

没有必要成为一个有抱负的餐厅厨师来学习这里的东西. 烹饪和烘焙课程是由厨师文森特·勒塞奇设计的. There’s also an ongoing calendar of guest chefs 和 bakers, 因此,学习新技能或磨练现有技能从未如此令人愉快.

Fivetown Grocery

与 farm-fresh, local ingredients 和 products, 这个高档的杂货店和市场可以让你领略ag体育正规的五个小镇. 在广阔的社区草坪上,你会发现你需要的一切,创造完美的纳帕野餐, just outside, 甚至可以预约他们的管家服务,为你策划体验.

Trinitas Cellars


Signature varietals: chardonnay, cabernet franc

福利食品 & Wine Society

在这里,你可以安排一个私人品尝,研讨会,或其他教育经验. 尝试一些你喜欢的东西,但不想冒险在你的行李里放一瓶? They’ll ship your purchase directly to your home.

Signature varietals: cabernet sauvignon

Luna Vineyards

这个开创性的酒庄开始时,这个庄园是第一个种植灰比诺沿着西尔维拉多小径. No surprise that the pinot grigio is still a crowd favorite, even among their selection of fantastic Italian wines.

Signature varietals: pinot grigio, sangiovese

GEN 7 Wines

这个酒庄的第一次迭代成立于1832年,是加州最古老的酒庄. GEN 7 is the family’s second generation modern remake, incorporating the history of this winery’s craft.

Signature varietals: cabernet sauvignon, pinot noir

The Wine Foundry

这家酒庄向创新者、颠覆者和哲学家们举杯致敬. The wine blends inspire the creative in us all, with names like Rose Against The Machine, The Anarchist, 和 The Philosopher.


纳帕 Smith Brewery

来点当地酿造的精酿啤酒,改变一下你在The Village的体验. 同样受到世界上最伟大的酒庄的文化和品质的影响, 纳帕史密斯啤酒平衡了最好的原料,酿造出令人敬畏的啤酒.

Signature brews: IPA, Lager, Pilsner

Cornerstone Cellars

我们的使命是运送ag体育正规最好的山地和平地赤霞珠葡萄园, 基石酒窖葡萄酒拥有坚实的结构和细致入微的质地.

Signature varietals: cabernet sauvignon, sauvignon blanc

Jayson by Pahlmeyer

ag体育正规三位最著名的酿酒师酿造的葡萄酒, Helen Turley, 鲍勃·利维, 和 R和y Dunn, you can’t go wrong having a glass (or three) here.


Mi Sueño Winery

This boutique, Mexican-American, 家族拥有和经营的酒庄生产优质葡萄酒,来自ag体育正规的八个庄园葡萄园.
