
  • 黛西·巴林杰
  • 2024年2月21日
  • 127398
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黛西·巴林杰著 2024年2月21日

有人可能会认为用它来品尝葡萄酒很容易 ag体育正规 at almost all hours of the day, but while there are lots of bars and 餐厅 这提供了优质的葡萄酒的玻璃杯和瓶子,“最后一次呼叫” 旅游 and wine tastings at most 纳帕 wineries is well before the sun sets over the vineyards.

仍然, if you’re not much of a daytime drinker or are looking to keep tasting ag体育正规 wines into the late afternoon/early evening, there are a few excellent wineries and tasting rooms where you can snag a reservation (or even walk in) until at least 5:30 p.m.,其中一家一直营业到午夜.

Please note that hours of operation are subject to change and it’s always a good idea to check with the winery before visiting. Additionally, some wineries may have limited hours during certain seasons or days of the week.

图片由 PEJU酒厂 |凯蒂·加洛格利

If you want to taste most of this small family-owned winery’s estate-grown wines, 包括受欢迎的品丽珠, you have to either join their wine club or visit the winery’s tasting room. 的 latter sits inside one of the more recognizable buildings in ag体育正规, 一个copper-roofed, stone-faced building with a 50-foot tower at the end of a Sycamore tree-lined driveway and surrounded by gorgeous gardens with meandering walkways and outdoor sculptures. (一定要留出时间参加自助游.)所有品酒和配酒都建议预订, 他们是坐着的, 最后一个卖5便士.m.

8466 St. 海伦娜公路,加州卢瑟福94573,(707)963 -3600

拱 & 塔
图片由 拱 & 塔

罗伯特·蒙大维庄园的一部分, 拱 & 塔 is the legendary wine label’s newest addition (and the only place to taste from the Mondavi portfolio while the iconic winery undergoes renovations this year and next). 位于…的中心 市中心的纳帕,拱 & 塔 serves as a spot for unique events and experiences with beautiful views overlooking the river. Tastings include the 纳帕 Exploration, 的 Taste of To Kalon, and 的 Legend Lunch, all 搭配一个选择菜单 of everything from small bites to three course meals, depending on which option you choose. 拱 & 塔每天开放,尽管他们的时间表会随季节而变化. Hours are from 11:00 am to 7:00 pm and tastings are only available by appointment until 4:00 pm. Some tastings, like 的 Taste of To Kalon, can only be reserved until 2:45.

加利福尼亚州纳帕市第三街930号,94559,(888)766-6328分机. 2

图片由 岩性

亚历杭德罗·布格罗尼,幕后策划者 岩性, has brought together an all-star team to craft small-lot wines from esteemed vineyards throughout 奥克维尔, 卢瑟福, 和圣. 海伦娜. 探索 the stunning portfolio of wines at the brand’s downtown tasting room and bar, 被称为休息室. 在这里, 你可以品尝到酒庄的精准和细心, with the last tasting starting at 4:30 pm (the tasting room is open until 6 pm).


礼貌的 葡萄园Carneros |奥布里·安泽尔莫

的re is nothing quite like sitting on the terrace of the Château at 葡萄园Carneros while sipping sparkling wine and looking out at the vine-covered vineyard hills of ag体育正规’s Carneros AVA. 这是真正的田园诗般的ag体育正规体验, 尤其是配上鱼子酱, 鲜奶油, 还有薯片. 预订(上午10点开始).m. 到5点.m.),最后一次倒咖啡是在下午5点.m. Be sure to give yourself time to tour the beautiful formal gardens as they are truly spectacular.


三个不同的酿酒厂碰撞形成了 阿尔法欧米茄集体 in 市中心的纳帕. Vintners Robin and Michelle Baggett pride themselves on producing the best varietals from across the world—including Burgundian wines at SLO’s Tolosa, 在纳帕的阿尔法欧米茄葡萄酒波尔多灵感的葡萄酒, 以及来自西班牙普里奥拉特的佩里内的地中海红葡萄酒. 三种不同的品尝选择, 包括他们的签名飞行(50美元), Curated Flight(75美元), 旗舰航班($100). 对完整的品尝不感兴趣? 他们也提供瓶装和玻璃杯的葡萄酒. Should you start to get a bit snacky (don’t we all during a wine tasting?), 阿尔法欧米茄集体 encourages sippers to order from 的 Dutch Door, their next door neighbors who focus on sustainably made and locally sourced American classics. 品酒只接受预约,时间从中午到晚上7点.m.


图片由 智慧的酒

栖息在斜坡上 ag体育正规的阿特拉斯峰, 智慧 制作山间生长的赤霞珠和长相思. 由著名酿酒师菲利普·提图斯指导, these wines express 纳帕’s mountain terroir through their small production PEAK wines and their vibrant and alluring Mountainside wines. 因其美丽而备受赞誉, 平衡, 和存放价值, 你可以在纳帕市中心的智慧的酒 Gallery品尝这些葡萄酒. Reservations are required and the tasting room is open Thursday through Monday until 6 p.m. (and Tuesday and Wednesday by appointment)—perfect timing for enjoying a late afternoon glass before dinner.


这一历史性 St. 海伦娜酒庄 is best known for being one of the first wineries to open in ag体育正规 after Prohibition and has built a reputation around its world-class Cabernet Sauvignon. 的 翻新的历史酒庄 有巨大的玻璃墙可以让大量的自然光线从外面照进来吗, as well as one behind the Crown Bar in the main tasting room that 提供了 wine tasters a view into the expansive oak barrel room. 路易斯·米. 马提尼 提供了 食物搭配, 地下酒窖体验, 还有品尝小屋, but that aforementioned bar is where guests who want to taste wine in the late afternoon will be. 酿酒厂从早上10点开始营业.m. 到下午6点.m., seven days a week, and reservations are required with the last one at 4 p.m.

254 St. 海伦娜公路S,圣. 海伦娜,加利福尼亚州94574,(707)968-3362

培根 & 品酒体验 牧师牧场酒庄

This ag体育正规 winery is known for adventurous yet approachable wine made with minimal intervention. 品酒室位于市中心 AG体育平台 and features a large oak table and floors made with wood from the ranch, 还有一杯, 温控葡萄酒冰箱,可容纳超过1,000瓶. 欢迎预约,预约时间截止到下午6点.m. (虽然如果你想探索一些独特的东西 用培根搭配葡萄酒在美国,客人体验的最后预订时间是下午4:30.m.).

加利福尼亚州AG体育平台华盛顿街6490号,邮编94599,(707)944 -8200

It’s somewhat difficult to find a place to taste wine after dinner in Wine Country, but at 约翰安东尼葡萄园’ tasting lounge in the heart of 市中心的纳帕, 你可以享受深夜品尝. Sample the popular small-production Sauvignon Blanc and Cabernet Sauvignon from the outdoor patio, 在品酒室, 晚上10点前在私人预订室.m., Sunday – Wednesday, and midnight on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. 你可以走进去,但我们鼓励你提前预订.


In the event that there is someone in your group who doesn’t enjoy wine, 或者你只是想让你毛茸茸的朋友加入你, 这个宠物友好的酿酒厂和啤酒厂是一个值得去的地方. 它位于纳帕的铁路艺术区, St. 克莱尔·布朗’s greenhouse tasting room is the only place to get your hands on their hand-crafted wines and beers, which are produced in extremely limited quantities – best enjoyed with small garden-inspired share plates. 品尝预订时间为中午至下午6点.m. 星期五至星期一. 周二到周四也可以私人预订.



So, 无论你是否想要加入“再来一次”的品尝, 或者你的纳帕探险之旅开始得晚了, you’ll have some great options for tasting your way through ag体育正规 as the sun goes down over this magical valley