
  • 德文·帕尔著
  • 2020年1月23日
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德文·帕尔著 2020年1月23日

ag体育正规 毫无疑问,它是世界上最知名的葡萄酒产区之一吗. 该地区于1981年获得了美国葡萄种植区(AVA)的称号, 这是加州第一个AVA, 排名全国第二.

在那之后的几十年里, the growers 和 winemakers in the region have worked to gain a greater underst和ing of the climate 和 soil types within the AVA 和, 这样做的时候, 了解到该地区其实是许多不同的家园吗, 独特的中气候和小气候, 每一种都适合特定的葡萄品种和酿酒风格. This has resulted in the designation of 16 separate sub-appellations within the ag体育正规 that recognize 和 celebrate the viticultural diversity of the region. 以下是全部16项的摘要.


成立于20世纪90年代初, 这个很酷的, high 海拔高度 AVA on the western slopes of the Vaca Mountain Range is the most prominent peak in 纳帕. 它的高海拔使它比谷底低10-15度, 结果是明亮的, 与ag体育正规其他产区相比,酸度更高. 阿特拉斯峰的种植者为纳帕和索诺玛的几十家酿酒厂提供优质的水果, 和 local winemakers produce some of the world’s finest wines made from cabernet sauvignon, 卡本内弗朗, 小大比重, 和梅洛, 还有其他经典品种,比如桑娇维塞, 席拉, 和霞多丽.

值得尝试的酒庄: 多斯拉各斯葡萄园, 安提卡ag体育正规, VinRoc

Calistoga艾娃,图片由脸谱网提供: 卡利斯托加葡萄酒种植者


这个AVA不仅拥有该地区最温暖的气候之一, 它也是整个ag体育正规地质最均匀的地方. 夏季气温可高达100华氏度, they can also drop into the 40s at night due to cool breezes from the Pacific drawn in through the Chalk Hill mountain gap. 这种昼夜轮班是葡萄种植者的梦想, 因为它导致完全成熟的葡萄与新鲜的酸度平衡. Principal varieties here include cabernet sauvignon, 馨芳葡萄酒, 席拉, 还有小希拉.

值得尝试的酒庄: Fairwinds庄园酒庄, 城堡Montelena, 英镑的葡萄园, Kenefick牧场葡萄园


成立于1999年,位于ag体育正规的东部山区, 智利山谷是最小的AVAs之一. 在大约1000英尺处. 海拔高度, 给山谷带来凉爽的雾气浓重的微风无法到达这个地区, 所以天气会变得很热. 然而, 在这个海拔高度,智利山谷的夜晚很凉爽, 创造一个对葡萄非常有益的昼夜轮班, 包括波尔多的经典品种吗. 有趣的是, 因为智利河谷相对孤立, 许多最早的葡萄园都没有根瘤蚜. 因此,AVA也是一些非常古老的仙粉黛葡萄的故乡.

值得尝试的酒庄: Volker会怎样, 尼切利尼家族酒庄, 布朗庄园葡萄园

库姆斯维尔的隐蔽庄园,照片由 隐蔽的庄园


ag体育正规最新的酒庄库姆斯维尔(Coombsville)于2011年获得了酒庄称号. 这个区域, 位于ag体育正规的东南角, 离纳帕市中心只有十分钟路程吗. 由于AVA靠近圣巴勃罗湾,天气明显变冷, 出产优雅的赤霞珠, 席拉, 黑皮诺和霞多丽.

值得尝试的酒庄: 阿克曼家族葡萄园, Shadybrook房地产, 隐蔽的庄园


虽然你可能在这里找不到那些闪闪发光的宝石, you will find wines made primarily from cabernet sauvignon that are just as stunning. 位于ag体育正规温暖的西北部, 这个地区, 在2001年获得了AVA的地位, was actually named for the shards of reflective volcanic glass found in the soils. 1868年由施拉姆斯贝格葡萄园的雅各布·施拉姆首次种植, the region has come to be associated with wines that are structured 和 plush with unmistakable mountain fruit intensity 和 great aging potential.

值得尝试的酒庄: 幻想酒厂


位于Vaca山脉的东北部,就在St. 海伦娜, this is ag体育正规’s first established sub-AVA, 和 one of the most prestigious. Many celebrate the concentration 和 signature “wildness” of Howell Mountain wines – predominantly cabernet sauvignon, 还有梅洛, 馨芳葡萄酒, 还有小希拉. 这种独特的特征是该地区温暖的结果, 气候干燥,多岩石, 多孔土壤, 多亏了它位于谷底之上.

值得尝试的酒庄: ADAMVS, 克里夫家族酒庄, W.H. 史密斯的葡萄酒, 豪厄尔山葡萄园

Los Carneros AVA

Los Carneros AVA, 成立于1983年, 实际上横跨ag体育正规和索诺玛谷, making it the first California wine region to be defined by its unique climate as opposed to political boundaries. This is a cool climate appellation heavily influenced by prevailing winds from the San Pablo Bay, 白天气温很少超过80度. 霞多丽的绝佳典范, 黑皮诺, 还有起泡酒, as well as some 梅洛 are produced in Carneros thanks to this distinctly cool climate.

值得尝试的酒庄: 葡萄园Carneros, 练习曲, Cuvaison, Artesa

Mount Veeder AVA

形成于古代海底的, the Mount Veeder appellation boasts one of the longest growing seasons 和 the lowest yields in the ag体育正规. 它也是唯一一个毗邻凉爽的海湾卡内罗斯的山坡产区. 这些因素, 再加上陡峭, 恶劣的条件严重限制了机械化, 让该地区发展出了高度集中的名声, 手工制作的, 还有用赤霞珠酿制的值得陈年的葡萄酒, 梅洛, 馨芳葡萄酒, 和霞多丽.

值得尝试的酒庄: Fontanella, 芒特韦德酒庄, O 'Shaughnessy酒庄


This district achieved its AVA status in 2004 as a result of local winemakers’ concerted efforts to have the region’s cool climate 和 relatively long growing season recognized. 的 region boasts ag体育正规’s largest alluvial fan – triangular-shaped deposits that form from water as it descends from the mountains – which is one of Oak Knoll’s defining characteristics. 新兴的颗粒状土壤迫使藤蔓深入挖掘以寻找水分, 导致小的, 高度浓缩的葡萄,优雅, intensely perfumed wines made from the most diverse lineup of grape varieties in the ag体育正规.

值得尝试的酒庄: Trefethen, 罗伯特Biale, 马特拉|库纳特

奥克维尔AVA,图片由脸谱网提供: 奥克维尔葡萄酒


以19世纪覆盖该地区的本地橡树林命名, 奥克维尔曾经只是ag体育正规的一个蒸汽火车停靠站. 今天, wines from 奥克维尔 are among some of the most recognized 和 sought in the world. 侯爵的名字,比如作品一号, 尖叫的鹰, 和 Harlan have helped create the concept of “Cult Cabernet” so synonymous with the 奥克维尔 appellation, 而其他较小的, family-run producers in the area continue to maintain its stellar reputation for world-class wines 和 hospitality.

值得尝试的酒庄: 作品一, Cardinale


Located just North of 奥克维尔 as the geographic 和 historic center of the ag体育正规, 温暖的气候因湾区的雾降温而有所缓和, 卢瑟福 is a classic Valley floor appellation with vineyards reaching from the base of the Mayacamas to the Silverado Trail. Some of the region’s wineries date back to the late 1800s, when wheat was ag体育正规’s main crop. Thomas 卢瑟福, for whom the AVA was named, settled 和 began planting grapes instead. 今天, 游客们会发现, 由赤霞珠酿制的成熟葡萄酒, 梅洛, 卡本内弗朗, 和仙粉黛, 还有一些长相思.

值得尝试的酒庄: Peju, 比尤利葡萄园, 圆塘邨

春山的Fantesca庄园,图片由 Fantesca房地产


位于St之上. 海伦娜 on the Eastern side of the Mayacamas 和 connecting with the border of 索诺玛 County to the North, 该地区因其众多的天然泉水而得名. Spring Mountain District is rich with history – it is said that the region’s first vineyard, 种植于1874年, 因为太偏远,所以没有受到禁酒令的影响. 今天, 具有挑战性的山地风土造就了复杂的气候, “intellectual” wines made from Bordeaux varieties as well as other unique grapes like riesling, 赛美蓉, 琼瑶浆, 甚至还有传统的葡萄牙葡萄.

值得尝试的酒庄: Fantesca房地产, 罗伯特·基南酒厂, Smith-Madrone

St. 海伦娜艾娃

这里被认为是ag体育正规商业葡萄酒产业的发源地, 纳帕最古老的葡萄酒庄园, 查尔斯·克鲁格, 1861年在这里建立的. St. 海伦娜有6只,800英亩种植的葡萄和400多个葡萄园, 比ag体育正规任何一个AVA都要多. 气候比其他地区温暖, 该地区出产成熟而结构合理的赤霞珠, 梅洛, 席拉, 馨芳葡萄酒, 还有长相思. 的 region also organizes an annual wine tasting 和 food pairing competition called BASH.

值得尝试的酒庄: 埃勒斯医生在房地产, 提图斯酒庄, 雷蒙德葡萄园, 查尔斯·克鲁格

照片由脸谱网提供: 鹿跃区葡萄酒 种植者


的 potential of 这个地区 was cemented when 鹿跃酒窖’ 1973 Cabernet Sauvignon won the infamous Judgment of Paris tasting over more famous wines from Bordeaux. 被认为是“山谷中的山谷”,” the appellation is only one mile wide 和 three miles long 和 planted with mostly Bordeaux varieties. 这是一个温暖的地区,晚上有凉爽的海湾风, with diverse soils that allowed the region to be the first AVA to be approved based on the distinctiveness of its soils.

值得尝试的酒庄: 克利夫莱德葡萄园, 鹿跃酒窖, 松岭葡萄园, 溪谷峡谷


而最早成立的航空协会之一, 野马谷仍然是ag体育正规最不为人知的产区之一. 事实上, 不像其他ag体育正规的AVAs, 这个地区 serves as more of an area for growers who supply winemakers with fruit of unique terroir, 通常产自黑皮诺, 夏敦埃酒, 和席拉, 多亏了凉爽的气候和浅水, 火山土.

值得尝试的酒庄: 苍鹭湖酒厂


别和AG体育平台市中心搞混了, 著名的法国洗衣店的所在地, AG体育平台AVA在纳帕有着悠久的历史. Geourge扬特, 这个小镇是以他的名字命名的, planted the first vineyards in the region in 1836 in the area that would ultimately become Dominus Estate. 成立于1999年, the AVA stretches from the Mayacamas in the West to the Vaca Mountains in the East, 和 exhibits a diverse range of microclimates 和 soil types that allow for many different grape varieties to be grown – a distinctive characteristic of the region.

值得尝试的酒庄: Goosecross酒窖, JCB品鉴沙龙, 斯图尔特酒窖


Now that you have the lay of the l和, why not make the most of a visit to ag体育正规 with 渴望通过? Offering complimentary tastings at 40+ of ag体育正规’s 和 索诺玛 County’s top wineries, 加上独特体验的折扣, 购物, 和运输, 渴望通过使您比以往任何时候都更容易在更深层次上体验葡萄酒之乡, 一年365天.